Recent Submissions

  • Maduración del aguacate (Persea americana Mill. cv. Hass) y calidad de los frutos 

    Rodríguez, Pablo; Henao R, Juan (ResearchGate; Florida (Estados Unidos), 2016)
    La maduración del aguacate es importante en el mercado de frutos destinados para consumo directo. Por esta razón, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el efecto de diferentes tipos de maduración: cajas plásticas, cámaras climáticas y condiciones ambientales; sobre parámetros de calidad: pérdida de peso, firmeza, daños internos y externos. Los frutos cosechados tuvieron daños externos por roce, trips y ...
  • Actividad antimicrobiana de aceites esenciales de Lippia alba y Cymbopogon citratus sobre Streptococcus mutans y citotoxicidad en células cho 

    Cuadros M, Ortega; Rivera, Tofiño A; Álvarez O., Mena; Pabón MC, Martínez; Pareja, Galvis D; L., Merini (ProQuest; Florida (Estados Unidos), 2016)
    Antecedentes: La caries dental es una enfermedad infecciosa compleja de origen multifactorial en el cual se presentan interacciones entre la placa bacteriana, el diente, determinantes biológicos como el flujo salival, capacidad amortiguadora y pH de la saliva, microorganismos predominantes, la dieta y factores socioeconómicos conductuales; prevalece en el 60 a 90% de la población mundial en edad escolar. Las ...
  • Identification and distribution of whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in tomato crops (Solanum lycopersicum) in Cundinamarca (Colombia) 

    Ángel D., Jorge E.; Martínez H., Julián; Santamaria G., Maikol; Parada P., Sandra; Ebratt R., Everth (Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario - ICA; Mosquera (Colombia), 2016)
    The main purpose of this study was to determine the presence, distribution and characterization of whiteflies in thirteen tomato-crop producing municipalities in Cundinamarca (Colombia). Immature stages were collected and taken to the laboratory until adults emerged in order to establish their taxonomic identification. The mitochondrial regions were amplified with specific primers, which allowed for the allocation of ...
  • Upscaling Gross Primary Production from Leaf to Canopy for Potato Crop (Solanum tuberosum L.) 

    Martínez-Maldonado, Fabio Ernesto; Castaño Marín, Angela María; Góez Vinasco, Gerardo Antonio; Ricardo Marin, Fabio (MDPI; Basel (Switzerland), 2022)
    Estimating gross primary production (GPP) is important to understand the land–atmosphere CO2 exchange for major agroecosystems. Eddy covariance (EC) measurements provide accurate and reliable information about GPP, but flux measurements are often not available. Upscaling strategies gain importance as an alternative to the limitations of the use of the EC. Although the potato provides an important agroecosystem for ...
  • Genome sequence data reveal at least two distinct incursions of the tropical race 4 (TR4) variant of Fusarium wilt into South America 

    Reyes Herrera, Paula H.; Torres Bedoya, Eliana; Lopez Alvarez, Diana; Burbano David, Diana; Carmona, Sandra L.; Bebber, Daniel P.; Studholme, David J.; Betancourt, Monica; Soto Suarez, Mauricio (Cold Sprimg Harbor Laboratory - CSH; California (EE. UU.), 2022)
    The global banana industry is threatened by one of the most devastating diseases: Fusarium wilt (FWB). FWB is caused by the soil-borne fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), which almost annihilated the banana production in the late 1950s. A new strain of Foc, known as tropical race 4 (TR4), attacks a wide range of banana varieties including Cavendish clones which are the source of 99% of banana exports. In ...
  • Non-conventional Management of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Musaceas Crops 

    Riascos Ortiz, Donald; Mosquera Espinosa, Ana T.; Varón de Agudelo, Francia; Gonçalves Oliveira, Claudio Marcelo; Muñoz Flórez, Jaime Eduardo (Springer Nature; Bogotá (Colombia), 2022)
    The production of Musa AAB Simmonds (plantain) and M. acuminata AAA (banana) is threatened by different plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) worldwide. Main PPN such as Radopholus similis, Meloidogyne spp., Pratylenchus spp., Rotylenchulus reniformis, and Helicotylenchus spp. may cause yield losses up to 80%. Most of these nematodes have a wide host range and their dispersal has been favored by planting infested seedlings. ...
  • Threshold-crossing time statistics for gene expression in growing cells 

    Nieto, César; Raj Ghusinga, Khem; Vargas García, César; Singh, Abhyudai (Cold Sprimg Harbor Laboratory (CSH); Virginia (Estados Unidos), 2022)
    Many intracellular events are triggered by attaining critical concentrations of their corresponding regulatory proteins. How cells ensure precision in the timing of the protein accumulation is a fundamental problem, and contrasting predictions of different models can help us understand the mechanisms involved in such processes. Here, we formulate the timing of protein threshold-crossing as a first passage time (FPT) ...
  • Semi-parametric generalized estimating equations for repeated measurements in cross-over designs 

    Cruz, N. A.; Melo, O.O.; Martinez, C.A. (Cornell University; New york (Estados Unidos), 2022)
    A model for cross-over designs with repeated measures within each period was developed. It is obtained using an extension of generalized estimating equations that includes a parametric component to model treatment effects and a non-parametric component to model time and carryover effects; the estimation approach for the non-parametric component is based on splines. A simulation study was carried out to explore the model ...
  • Prioritizing Colombian plant genetic resources for investment in research using indicators about the geographic origin, vulnerability status, economic benefits, and food security importance 

    Cerón Souza, Ivania; Delgadillo Duran, Diego A.; Polo Murcia, Sonia M.; Sarmiento Naizaque, Zaida X.; Reyes Herrera, Paula H. (Researcher; Virginia (Estados Unidos), 2022)
    Germplasm banks are the most significant repository for plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA) worldwide. Despite their strategic importance, national germplasm banks of tropical megadiverse developing countries such as Colombia have extremely limited funds. Therefore, making strategic decisions about research investment is essential. Here, we designed a data-driven approach to build an index that ...
  • Phenotypic variability for conformation traits of BON cattle in Colombia 

    Medina Ríos, Hernán Issaías; Ramírez Toro, Edison Julián; Cerón Muñoz, Mario Fernando; Burgos Paz, William (Researcher; Virginia (Estados Unidos), 2022)
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the variability of conformation traits (CT) in three BON cattle subpopulations with different herd management. For this study, using the nine-point scores of 20 CT as well as breed characterization and nal score in 929 cows were analyzed. Descriptive statistics alongside hierarchical cluster analysis were performed. It was found that legs and feet traits had the slightest ...
  • Multi-environment Genome Wide Association Studies of Yield Traits in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) × Tepary Bean (P. acutifolius A. Gray) Interspecific Advanced Lines at the Humid and Dry Colombian Caribbean Subregions 

    López Hernández, Felipe; Burbano Erazo, Esteban; León Pacheco, Rommel Igor; Cordero Cordero, Carina Cecilia; Villanueva Mejía, Diego F.; Tofiño Rivera, Adriana Patricia; Cortés, Andrés J. (Cold Sprimg Harbor Laboratory (CSH); California (EE. UU.), 2022)
    Genome Wide Associations Studies GWAS are a powerful strategy for the exploration adaptive genetic variation to drought stress in advanced lines in common bean with interspecific genotypes, yet they still lack behind in the use of arid multi-environments as the subregions of the Colombian Caribbean. In order to bridge this gap, we couple an advanced genotypes panel integrated with Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) × ...
  • Modeling cell size regulation under complex and dynamic environments 

    Nieto, Cesar; Vargas García, Cesar; Pedraza, Juan Manuel; Singh, Abhyudai (Cold Sprimg Harbor Laboratory - CSH; California (Estados Unidos), 2022)
    In nature, cells face changes in environmental conditions that can modify their growth rate. In these dynamic environments, recent experiments found changes in cell size regulation. Currently, there are few clues about the origin of these cell size changes. In this work, we model cell division as a stochastic process that occurs at a rate proportional to the size. We propose that this rate is zero if the cell is smaller ...
  • Metarhizium robertsii with insecticidal activity for the control of the fruit fly (Anastrepha obliqua), the main pest in mango crop in Colombia 

    Lozano Tovar, María Denis; Ballestas Álvarez, Karen Lorena; Sandoval Lozano, Luis Andrés; Palma Mendez, Gloria Milena; Barrera Cubillos, Gloria Patricia (Research Square; Virginia (Estados Unidos), 2022)
    The aim of this study was to evaluate and select entomopathogenic fungi that produces insecticidal compounds for the control of adults of Anastrepha obliqua Macquart (Diptera: tephritidae), that are the main pest of mango (Mangifera indica L. Bark) in Colombia. One strain of the species Metarhizium robertsii with insecticidal activity was selected. By column fractionation, an active fraction was obtained, this compound ...
  • La experiencia participativa en la elaboración de la estrategia 2020-2030 para el Paisaje Forestal Milpero en la península de Yucatán 

    Méndez López, María Elena; Rodríguez Robayo, Karla Juliana; Juárez Téllez, Lilián (CentroGeo e Incide Social A.C.; Virginia (Estados Unidos), 2022)
    El Paisaje Forestal Milpero (pfm) es una denominación para el territorio que comprende las áreas de la península de Yucatán donde coexisten las selvas tropicales y la milpa maya tradicional. En el marco de la generación de la estrategia de país a 2030 del Programa de Pequeñas Donaciones (ppd), se obtuvieron 21 indicadores asociados a la resiliencia del pfm, agrupados en cinco categorías: 1) heterogeneidad del ...
  • Flash-Vacuum Expansion, a Low Cost and Energy-Efficient Alternative Process to Produce High-Quality Fruit Puree: Application to Physalis Peruviana 

    Arias, Claudia; Rodriguez, Pablo; Soto, Iris; Vaillant, Rowan; Cortés, Misael; Vaillant, Fabrice (SSRN; Virginia (Estados Unidos), 2022)
    Goldenberry has a great potential for the development of high-quality products due to its attractive sensory attributes, bioactive compounds, and health benefits. However, postharvest losses are high due to the lack of processing technologies that can both be adapted to rural conditions in producing countries to generate high-quality products. Flash-vacuum expansion (FVE) coupled with vacuum pulping is a new process ...
  • Evaluación del color durante la maduración del aguacate (Persea americana Mill. cv. Hass) 

    Henao Rojas, Juan Camilo; Rodríguez, Pablo Emilio (ResearchGate; Antioquia (Colombia), 2016)
    La maduración del aguacate ‘Hass’ se caracteriza por un cambio de color de la cáscara de verde a púrpura, esto puede servir como índice para mejorar su manejo poscosecha. Debido a que en Colombia no hay información suficiente sobre este fenómeno, el objetivo de éste trabajo fue determinar el color de la epidermis del fruto de aguacate y su velocidad de cambio durante la madurez de consumo (MC). Se cosecharon 90 frutos ...
  • First records of the iceryine scale insects Crypticerya brasiliensis (Hempel) and Crypticerya genistae (Hempel) (Hemiptera: Monophlebidae) for Colombia 

    Takumasa, Kondo; Ramos, Portilla; Penny J., Gullan; Ana L. B. G., Peronti; Villarreal Pretelt, Nelson; Alejandro Caballero, Andrea A. (About Open Journal Systems; Florida (EE. UU.), 2016)
    Crypticerya brasiliensis (Hempel) and Crypticerya genistae (Hempel) (Hemiptera: Monophlebidae: Iceryini) are herein reported for the fi rst time in Colombia. The above two species and Crypticerya multicicatrices Kondo and Unruh and Crypticerya zeteki (Cockerell) are briefl y diagnosed based on the adult females. The presence of C. zeteki in Colombia is confi rmed and a key to the adult females of species of the tribe ...
  • Seroprevalence and risk factors associated with bovine leukemia virus in Colombia 

    Ortiz Ortega, Diego; Sanchez Ortiz, Alfredo Enrique; Tobon, Julio; Chaparro, Yanira; Cortes, Sandra; Gutierrez, Maria Fernanda (Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health; Virginia (Estados Unidos), 2016)
    An epidemiological study was conducted to establish the prevalence of the Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) in Colombia and to describe risk and protecting factors associated with this infection disease. The study was performed with an observational descriptive cross-sectional process in twelve Colombian regions, by collecting blood samples from 8150 bovines in 390 cattle farms between February and September 2014. The ...
  • Cupuassú 

    Muñoz, Katalina; Londoño, Julián; Sepulveda, Stella; Gómez, Melisa; Tabares, Ana Isabel; Carvalho, Catarina P.P. (Vidarium; Medellín (Colombia), 2014)
    Cupuassu is an Amazonian native fruit from the states of southern and southeastern of Pará and Maranhão in Brazil and is one of the most consumed fruits in that region (Duarte et al., 2010; Vasconcelos et al., 1975). These species are incipiently domesticated populations or very recently domesticated populations, rapid pre- or post-conquest dispersal and lack of phylogeographic population structure (Clement et al., 2010).
  • Scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) associated with avocado crop, Persea americana Mi l. (Lauraceae) in Valle del Cauca and neighboring departments of Colombia 

    Kondo Rodriguez, Demian Takumasa; Muñoz, Jazmin Adriana (University of Nebraska–Lincoln; Nebraska (EE. UU.), 2016)
    Abstract. Scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) of avocado, Persea americana Mill. (Lauraceae) were collected in the State of Valle del Cauca, Colombia. The study was conducted for one year, during October 2008–October 2009. As a result of this study, 34 scale insect species in seven families (Coccidae, Diaspididae, Kerriidae, Margarodidae, Monophlebidae, Pseudococcidae and Putoidae) were collected. Together with previous ...

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