A correlation structure for the analysis of Gaussian and non-Gaussian responses in crossover experimental designs with repeated measures
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Martinez Niño, Carlos Alberto
Cruz, N. A.
Melo, O. O.
Springer NaturePalabras clave
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In this paper, we propose a family of correlation structures for crossover designs with
repeated measures for both, Gaussian and non-Gaussian responses using generalized
estimating equations (GEE). The structure considers two matrices: one that models
between-period correlation and another one that models within-period correlation.
The overall correlation matrix, which is used to build the GEE, corresponds to the
Kronecker between these matrices. A procedure to estimate the parameters of the correlation matrix is proposed, its statistical properties are studied and a comparison
with standard models using a single correlation matrix is carried out. A simulation study showed a superior performance of the proposed structure in terms of the
quasi-likelihood criterion, efficiency, and the capacity to explain complex correlation
phenomena patterns in longitudinal data from crossover designs.
Parte del recurso
Statistical Papers (2022) 65:263–290
- Artículos científicos [2089]
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